Making the most of faculty and community connections

Being one of the first groups of students to go through the restructured Master of Business Administration program was a highlight of Prabhdeep Singh Sambi’s VIU experience. Another highlight was creating meaningful networking opportunities that brought together his peers and local businesses.

“I was constantly involved and expressive about my views, and I was able to fully showcase myself in the process,” he adds.

Tips to write a focused statement of purpose

Are you ready to take the next step in your academic career? The statement of purpose (also called a letter of introduction or letter of intent, amongst other names) is a crucial part of the graduate school application process. This blog shares tips to help you write a focused and compelling statement that showcases your unique qualities and increases your chances of securing a spot at the grad school of your choice.

Gaining skills through getting involved

Fernando Jesus Medina Moreno’s university experience was so much more than what he learned in the classroom. The Bachelor of Business Administration student from Mexico City got involved in many different aspects of university life. Throughout these experiences, he picked up many important soft skills as well as the knowledge he gained from his courses. He graduates this June and hopes to work for a marketing agency on Vancouver Island. 

Creating new opportunities to work in health care

The pandemic uncovered several flaws in the Canadian health-care system, including overburdened long-term care facilities, overworked staff and skilled labour shortages in this vital industry. Luckily, there is a community of innovators that is already working to solve these problems. This includes Vancouver Island University, which has just introduced a new program to help provide more health-care professionals by tapping into the international student market.

Creating the next generation of treatments for substance abuse disorders

VIU Psychology alum Dr. Travis Baker receives $2.5-million grant for research

Little did Dr. Travis Baker know when he first came to Vancouver Island University more than 20 years ago that it would be the start of a successful career in researching new treatments for addiction.

What you need to know about VIU’s Accessibility Services

Many students don’t realize soon enough how accessibility services can impact their learning. Have you ever felt like you’re struggling with your learning more than your peers due to a disability? Or have you experienced a sudden injury or condition that is impacting your ability to access a course? Then VIU’s Accessibility Services department may be of help for you.

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