Creating new opportunities to work in health care

The pandemic uncovered several flaws in the Canadian health-care system, including overburdened long-term care facilities, overworked staff and skilled labour shortages in this vital industry. Luckily, there is a community of innovators that is already working to solve these problems. This includes Vancouver Island University, which has just introduced a new program to help provide more health-care professionals by tapping into the international student market.

VIU Receives Funding to Expand Nursing Seats

Expansion addresses community need for more nurses

Vancouver Island University (VIU) is expanding the number of nursing seats in three programs, thanks to provincial government funding announced on Sunday, February 20, 2022.

Students Solidify Critical Care Training in New Facility

VIU’s new Centre for Health and Science encourages greater collaboration between students and professionals across all health disciplines. 

Vancouver Island University’s (VIU’s) new clinical skills and simulation labs engage students in interprofessional training that allows health care graduates to successfully compete for highly skilled, in-demand jobs. 

Indigenous Health Care Assistant Program Changing Lives

The Kw’am Kw’um Shhwuli (Strong Health, Well-being) Health Care Assistant program at VIU Cowichan combines technical training with wraparound supports and Hul’qumi’num language lessons to help move students into high-demand careers.


A unique new program at Vancouver Island University’s (VIU’s) Cowichan Campus that combines Health Care Assistant training and Indigenous language and culture teachings is filling a need in the community.

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