VIU biology professor restoring one of Canada’s most threatened ecosystems on Nanaimo campus

The Garry oak ecosystem is home to many species at risk in British Columbia.

One of Canada’s most threatened ecosystems – the Garry oak – is coming to life on VIU’s Nanaimo campus.

VIU employees, students and community volunteers have maintained a Garry oak ecosystem restoration plot since 2021. The 500-square-metre plot is located west of Building 470 near the top of campus. Dr. Caroline Josefsson, a VIU Biology Professor and botanist, oversees the project.

VIU releases position statement on climate action and sustainability

The University has also signed on to the Sustainable Development Goals Accord.

Vancouver Island University (VIU) has released a position statement on climate action and sustainability to recognize that universities have an essential role in taking meaningful action to address climate action and sustainability. In support of its position, VIU has also signed on to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Accord.

Harnessing the power of the poop loop

Jenni [pronounced Yenni] Ottilie Keppler says she’s always felt a “personal calling towards the west coast of North America,” and a desire to conduct research in a UNESCO biosphere region.

When she discovered that Vancouver Island University (VIU) had a research institute focusing on projects within the UNESCO-designated Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region (MABR) she reached out to see if she could do a practical research semester.

Nanaimo municipal election: where candidates stand on climate action and sustainability

Climate action and sustainability is one of the pressing issues VIU students and employees alike are concerned about. In support of democratic principles and to shed light on an issue that matters to so much of our community, the Engagement and Dialogue Working Group for the President’s Taskforce on Climate Action and Sustainability posed two questions to all of the candidates running in Nanaimo’s 2022 municipal election. The candidates we received responses from are shared below in the order in which we received them.  

Celebrating Innovation for a Sustainable Global Community

VIU stages Global Citizens Week to showcase employee, student and community Innovation in Action for a better world.

Vancouver Island University (VIU) is opening its doors to the local community to take part in Global Citizens Week activities showcasing the many initiatives faculty, students and community members are involved in to build a better world.

VIU Helps to Build the Green Economy in Belize

VIU partners with Belize to strengthen technical and vocational education programs aimed at building capacity and resilience in the face of climate change. 

NANAIMO, BC: Vancouver Island University (VIU) is helping Belizean institutions develop programs that teach students how to adapt to environmental threats such as climate change, and create new programs in forestry. 

Overcoming Barriers to Active Transportation With E-Bikes

A VIU student research project aims to help cities formulate cycling plans that include electric bicycles.


Vancouver Island University (VIU) Masters of Community Planning student Eleni Gibson used to enjoy cycling. That was when she lived in Victoria, but after moving to Nanaimo to pursue her post-secondary education, it became a grueling activity.

VIU Climate Change Symposium Focuses on Local Solutions

VIU student-led climate change symposium on Saturday, May 11 will spotlight sustainable energy solutions for Vancouver Island.


NANAIMO, BC: Vancouver Island University’s (VIU’s) student-led climate change initiative, Awareness of Climate Change through Education and Research (ACER), is hosting its sixth annual public symposium on Saturday, May 11. 

VIU Awards Honorary Degree to a Pioneer in the Field of Social Isolation and Connectedness

“There is no other, the other is only ever us,” is the underlying theme in Kim Samuel’s work about connectedness and acknowledging humanity and our entitlement to be treated with love and respect. 

Kim Samuel, Founder of the Samuel Centre for Social Connectedness (SCSC), is unwavering in her advocacy for human rights and inclusive policy change. Her life’s work has focused on the power of social connectedness to build community and overcome social isolation on a local and global scale. 

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