Taking advantage of every opportunity: Demitria Rae Rounis

Demitria Rae Rounis is graduating this June with a Bachelor of Tourism Management, Major in Recreation. She also has a diploma in Tourism Studies and a Certificate in Event Management. Aside from representing her peers in the Faculty of Management at convocation, she will also represent Canada at the Royal International Miss Pageant in Orlando this summer.

A role model for giving back

After being crowned the Royal International Miss Canada Pacific Role Model this year, VIU student Demitria Rounis will represent Canada on the international stage in Florida next year.

Currently in her final year of the Bachelor of Tourism Management program, the 22-year-old says she got into pageantry “almost by accident,” around the age of 16 when a friend of hers “had a friend who had a friend” who was doing a pageant.

Assessing Creative Tourism in Rural BC and Yukon

Two Vancouver Island University (VIU) researchers are heading north to analyze a relatively new economic driver  ̶̶  creative tourism and its impact on rural communities.

Two Vancouver Island University (VIU) researchers are leading a study into the role the cultural sector and creative tourism play in the sustainability of smaller, rural cities and towns in northern British Columbia and the Yukon. 

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