Investigating parasite genetics

VIU alum Mac Barrera’s undergraduate research was not only published in an international journal, it has also led to new insights about the endangered Vancouver Island marmot.  

“It’s exciting. I feel very proud,” says Mac, who now works as a lab technician in VIU’s Biology department. “Getting an undergrad research paper published in a legitimate, peer-reviewed journal is rare.”

Students share reflections on gender in book

For the first time at VIU, a sociology class has written and published a book together. 

The students examined gender in their book Gender: Reflections and Intersections – a collaborative project for their Sociology 322 class. The 31 students each contributed two pieces: an academic article and one free-choice contribution that could be creative, such as:

VIU News & Experts: March 2, 2023

Pyschedelic research, International Women's Day, sustainable development week and more.

VIU lecture series kicks off with the story of the endangered Vancouver Island marmot

Science and Technology Community Lecture Series features seven presentations by VIU faculty.

Scientists are sharing their insights on everything from the endangered Vancouver Island marmot to investigating deep-sea organisms with computational chemistry during the Vancouver Island University (VIU) Science and Technology Community Lecture Series.

VIU experts appear live on CBC Nanaimo broadcast

Several shows were broadcasting from Serious Coffee on Hammond Bay Road

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation launched its permanent bureau in Nanaimo on Friday, January 27 with a special live broadcast in the Harbour City that featured several experts from Vancouver Island University.

The Nanaimo bureau “will focus on telling stories from the mid-and-north Vancouver Island region” states a CBC news story. Listen to VIU experts talk about their research into various aspects of Nanaimo’s history and culture.  

Creating the next generation of treatments for substance abuse disorders

VIU Psychology alum Dr. Travis Baker receives $2.5-million grant for research

Little did Dr. Travis Baker know when he first came to Vancouver Island University more than 20 years ago that it would be the start of a successful career in researching new treatments for addiction.

VIU Media Highlights: November 23, 2022

Seaweed product research, Christmas magic & sustainable packaging 📦

November is a busy month at VIU. Students are showcasing projects they have been working on all semester, and we have a lineup of community-focused events and campaigns. 

Harnessing the power of the poop loop

Jenni [pronounced Yenni] Ottilie Keppler says she’s always felt a “personal calling towards the west coast of North America,” and a desire to conduct research in a UNESCO biosphere region.

When she discovered that Vancouver Island University (VIU) had a research institute focusing on projects within the UNESCO-designated Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region (MABR) she reached out to see if she could do a practical research semester.

Using technology to support Indigenous data sovereignty

Dr. Shanna Lorenz, VIU’s 2022 Fulbright Canada Visiting Research Chair in Indigenous Studies, is working with Indigenous communities on a data gathering app.     

 Dr. Shanna Lorenz’s research is supporting Indigenous data sovereignty thanks to a digital app called Our Data Indigenous, which she helped design alongside faculty and First Nations community data specialists in Canada and the United States.

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