Community Classroom

Podcasting 101

Dr. Ravindra, Mohabeer sits in front of a computer. Text on photo reads, Podcasting 101, The basics to get you going

Do you want to start a podcast but don’t know where to begin? Learn the basics of podcasting in this webinar presented by Dr. Ravindra, Mohabeer, Director of VIU’s Media Research Lab and a Media Studies Professor. Mohabeer discusses fundamentals such as: 

  • what is a podcast?
  • where do you start?
  • editing and post-production
  • how to distribute your podcast and more

Mohabeer is interested in how people use media in everyday life and how this becomes a major basis of culture. His most recent scholarship focuses on a social construct of invisibility where he asks how the things we see and the things we do not come to make a difference. With a foundation of training in media and cultural theory along with a history of personal media practice, his work concentrates on visual media and seeks connections between theory and practice, particularly using community-focused research and engagement activities. He is as deeply interested in media history and theory as he is in emerging “new” media futures.