Researching the effects of AI in the workplace

The dynamic nature of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has captured Andrew Szilagyi’s interest.

“The recent boom in AI development with tools like ChatGPT became a large topic of discussion worldwide and particularly in my life as a student,” he says.

The fourth-year VIU Psychology Honours student is delving deeper into the subject, with a new research project looking at how different levels of exposure to AI in the workplace can influence how workers perceive their identities when working alongside AI systems.

Refugee finds future career path with new VIU program

For Ezat Haidary, a brand-new program at Vancouver Island University is already having a life-changing impact.

Called Trades Pathways for Newcomers, the program launched in September and supports newcomers looking for a career in the trades by ensuring they have the skills, knowledge and supports to successfully transition into the educational programs that will get them there.

VIU Giving Tuesday campaign helps students reach for their dreams

University’s tenth annual campaign runs from November 14 to 28, 2023.

When Vancouver Island University (VIU) student Sarah McClelland faced some unexpected living expenses last fall, she thought she would have to put her education on hold.

The Bachelor of Education student went to the Financial Aid and Awards team to explore options. That’s when she learned about the VIU Access Fund, which provides just-in-time supports to students so they don’t have to pause their studies. For McClelland, it meant being able to pay her bills that month.

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