VIU Theatre Professor explores a “Grotesque” Satirical Play During First Colloquium Lecture

Arts & Humanities Colloquium Series returns this spring with a thought-provoking lineup.

Vancouver Island University’s (VIU’s) Spring Arts & Humanities Colloquium Series will take audience members on a journey through the theatre of grotesque, and audio media techniques and creative pathways for producers and audiences.

Colloquium Series Shines Light on the Importance of Arts and Humanities in Today’s World

Lectures return to the stage at VIU’s Malaspina Theatre this fall.

Vancouver Island University’s (VIU’s) Arts and Humanities Colloquium Series returns this fall with an engaging lineup that explores women’s contributions within the avant-garde movement, gender roles and expectations of strong female characters and how the T. Eaton Company’s marketing strategies commodified youth culture.

Zombies and Shakespeare Collide in VIU Theatre Department's Spring Play

Theatre Department presents William Shakespeare’s Land of the Dead as its spring production, which opens March 5.

To be, or not to be … a zombie?

VIU Satyr Players Club Presents Six Shows During One-Act Play Festival

Student theatre club premieres never before seen plays during annual festival.

The Satyr Players one-act play festival runs the gambit of emotions this year, offering satirical comedy, high-energy slapstick and some serious moments.

VIU Theatre Department Presents Fall Studio Show – The End of Civilization

Student actors push envelope during dark, gritty play that explores rage, murder and the actions of desperate people.

What does it mean to be civilized? What happens when the limits of integrity and morality are pushed beyond the breaking point?

These questions are posed in Canadian playwright George F. Walker’s Suburban Motel. In the fourth chapter of this gritty series of short plays, The End of Civilization follows the story of Henry and Lily, who have lost their house, family and suburban stability. 

VIU Partners with Other Guys Theatre Company to Produce Hysterical Melodrama

Ross Desprez is a VIU Theatre Department Professor and creator of SlugFest – a musical comedy set in a dystopian Vancouver Island community.

What happens when slug slime is hailed as a medical miracle?

Cozy Classrooms, Biomusical Beats, and Crime and Punishment Explored in Colloquium Series

Lectures allow VIU faculty to explore questions and share their passions with students, colleagues and the public.

This fall, three Vancouver Island University (VIU) drummers will attempt to merge into a single entity of sound during a performance of Nebojša Živković’s Trio Per Uno.

The piece, which requires the musicians to play on multiple percussion setups, combines quick tempos, complex rhythms and wordless vocals and syllables. Timing is crucial.

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