
In Videos: VIU Academic and Career Preparation programs provide foundation for success

Whether you are missing prerequisites, want to finish high school or need to prepare for success in an academic program, VIU's Faculty of Academic and Career Preparation (ACP) has many programs to help you come back to school and get started on a path that helps you get where you want to go.

The programs are designed to offer a starting point that is right for all types of learners. Students receive dedicated attention and support from instructors who care about their success, gaining confidence and know-how along the way.

Find out more about each of the programs ACP offers:

Adult Basic Education (ABE)

VIU's Adult Basic Education (ABE) program offers adults the opportunity to continue their education by upgrading high school equivalency courses to meet prerequisites for admissions into post-secondary programs, or to work towards completion of the BC Adult Graduation Diploma. Small class sizes offer students the opportunity to re-engage in learning in a positive way by building their foundational skills, and providing resources and support in and beyond the classroom to ensure they are learning the course content with confidence to move on in their studies with success.

Aboriginal University Bridging Program (AUBP)

The Aboriginal University Bridging Program (AUBP) is a place for all Indigenous learners to ground themselves as they begin their education journey. Students are supported through reciprocal relationships and a supportive environment, in and out of the classroom. Elders are brought into the classrooms and go out onto the land (and water) to share teachings. Whether students need to finish high school upgrading courses or plan to move right into a university program, AUBP provides a wide range of supports to help them maneuver through Western education and reach for their dreams.

Workplace Essential Skills Training Program (WEST)

The WEST Program at VIU is specially designed for students facing barriers to learning and employment. In the WEST program, students acquire vocational, academic, work and essential life skills that prepare them to secure meaningful employment. While the program's overarching goals are employment and independence, faculty will also prepare students to transition into post-secondary programs at VIU as well. 

Cooperative Entrepreneur Training Program (CETP)

VIU’s Cooperative Entrepreneur Training Program (CETP) offers students with disabilities or those who have faced employment barriers the opportunity to learn all the essential skills of being an entrepreneur. Since its inception in 2018, the program has been fully funded by the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training, resulting in no program costs for eligible students. The 30-week, full-time program is a safe place for students to transform their business ideas into reality. Courses include a combination of business strategy, financial literacy, marketing and mentoring.

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