Phishing, gift card scams, fake email address, text messages pretending to be your boss - call it what you will but this type of fraud cost Canadians $54 Million last year.  

The good news is that most frauds can be prevented by being aware of the methods used by fraudsters and spotting them early. 

  • STOP, THINK, then ACT. 
  • Be Politely Paranoid 
  • If you didn't initiate contact, you don't know who you're communicating with 
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for credentials or confirm claims BEFORE you agree to anything 

Watch for email warning signs, like 

  • Urgent or threatening language 
  • Unexpected delivery notices or receipts 
  • Strange links or attachments 

Read real examples of fake emails

The war in Ukraine is also being waged online, phishing from Russia jumped eight-fold on Feb 27, 2022. 

Protect yourself from this new wave of phishing attacks. 

Feeling confident?  Give this new Fraud Prevention quiz a go! 

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