5 reasons to take a summer course at university

As a university student, we know your summers are sacred. It’s your chance to do something completely different than school, whether that’s working, spending more time on hobbies or relaxing in the sun. But there are advantages to taking summer courses and VIU is making it easier than ever this year. We are offering double number of courses with many online or hybrid options, which means you can work and attend school at the same time, or study from your home community. 

VIU’s summer session is divided into several different terms:

Finish faster

A handful of summer courses could mean graduating from your program a semester earlier, if that is important to you. You could complete a course or two in a seven-week period and still have two and half months of your summer free for work or relaxing.

Upgrade your mark

Not happy with your final grade in one of your courses? Many courses have pre-requisites with minimum grades attached to them. For example, to take CSCI 161, you need to have achieved a certain mark in CSCI 160. Summer session is an excellent time to re-take a course. You can focus intensively during summer session with less distractions from other courses.

Take electives

If you want to focus your attention and time on required courses for your program during fall and spring semesters, then consider taking some electives during summer session.

Spread out your course load

If you have work or family commitments that make taking a full course load throughout the fall and spring semesters challenging, try dividing courses into three semesters instead of two. It will also help you keep your brain active so it’s not such an adjustment in the fall after a four-month break.  

Learn in a different environment

The campus has a completely different vibe in the summertime. With fewer people around and a more relaxed, casual atmosphere, it’s not hard to find those perfect study spots in the sun. Summer session is also the time that professors run outdoor-based courses such as the Kinesiology program’s golf or paddling courses; and the Child and Youth Care program’s Therapeutic Applications of Wilderness Programming course (CYC 391), where students learn in a variety of nature settings.


If you’re not sure whether taking summer courses is for you, contact our Educational Advising team to discuss options. If you’re not a student at VIU yet, email connect@viu.ca and they can answer any questions you have!

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